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Touch Diamond键盘被黑并可以下载

时间:2023-02-17 15:31:33 来源:[db:来源]

原标题:Touch Diamond键盘被黑并可以下载

Well, if you can’迫不及待地想要获得 HTC Touch Diamond 你至少可以得到酷“iPhone-esque”键盘。在的家伙 xda-developers.com have somehow managed to grab the necessary bits to bring you the Diamond Keyboard, Keypad and QWERTY input methods. The software can take a little while to install, plus the default xT9 language is set to Italian, so you’ll need to tweak that in Settings->Input.

I’我曾经在HTC TyTN I上尝试过’可以,但是在HTC Touch Dual上确实可以正常工作,并且使输入文字消息更加容易。如果你’对这个感兴趣的你也应该看看 触宝 从 库特克.

链接– xda-developers.com
