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修剪 is a stunning masterpiece I can'不够

时间:2023-04-19 15:32:00 来源:[db:来源]

原标题:修剪 is a stunning masterpiece I can'不够

[yframe url=’//www.youtube.com/watch?v=OicHNNp2VYk’]

我的iPhone上没有很多游戏。实际上,我只有五个: 奥拓历险记,无限飞行,纪念碑谷,Threes和现在 修剪.

Nowadays it’s challenging to find games that don’t attempt to make you buy coins or watch ads to play. 修剪 is unlike any of the aforementioned games. It’s the perfect blend of calming music and soothing graphics with a tinge of strategy involved.

修剪’难度会以确保您了解游戏的速度发展’s mechanics without getting stuck. In the beginning, simply drag your finger across the screen the grow the tree. Upon progressing through 修剪’s 48 levels you’ll have to cut branches to avoid obstacles, other trees, cause pollination, and prevent poisoning your tree. The great thing about 修剪 though is that if you get stuck simply drag to grow another another tree. There’没有失败的可耻信息–因为他们的确不是’没有完成一个关卡有什么错。看着树以不同的模式生长-即使我知道我赢了’t “win”–令人着迷。话虽这么说,看着这棵树到达阳光下,可以生长出需要开花的花朵,这也很有意义。

修剪 began when it’s developer, Joel McDonald, was shown a tree generating script by a friend. Joel was instantly thinking of ways he could build upon it, and got serious about forming 修剪 in May of 2014. Though Joel was hoping for a late-summer 2014 release, it grew into something worth the wait when it was released to the App Store this July.

As with most games of this calibre 修剪 has an amazing 配乐 由凯尔·普雷斯顿(Kyle Preston)创作。我尝试玩没有音频的游戏,但没有’就像聆听冥想音乐一样,将您带入瞬间。

Unlike most games I tried, 修剪 was one I was wanting to show off. I got all of my siblings playing it (who, I must add, prefer games like Crossy Road and Angry Birds) as well as my mother. The game is simply enough that my 10 year-old sister was able to get the hang of it, while difficult enough to stump even myself at times. Upon trying and failing to grow your tree properly, the game subtly presents you the option to skip the level. I only needed this option twice and quickly went back to complete said levels.

Overall, 修剪 is a stunning game I find myself playing over and over. While it only took me a few hours to complete all the levels, playing again to see the trees grow in different ways is still fun. You can pickup 修剪 for $3.99。它’它将普遍在iPhone和iPad上运行,但我强烈建议您尽可能在iPad上播放它。在较大的显示屏上,游戏的细节更加令人愉悦。
