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HTC 难以置信 S Review

时间:2023-04-08 11:31:34 来源:[db:来源]

原标题:HTC 难以置信 S Review

HTC have been around for ages it seems and their handsets seem to get better and better with time, especially in the 安卓 range and the 难以置信 S is another device which fits into that category.

这款评测装置是由HTC PR的好心人发送给我们的,他们在我问他们是否有空的第二天才第一批到达我家,因此我们可以在CoolSmartPhone上报道,非常感谢他们的不懈努力。支持。

The 难以置信 S has some very impressive specifications as you would expect on a device these days and they are:

安卓 2.2 FroYo(不过是姜饼)8百万像素相机HSDPA 14.4mb /秒HSUPA 5.76mb /秒蓝牙,WiFi& GPS

HTC推出了Incredible S,这是一款相当有趣的产品,它采用了Desire HD和原始Desire的最佳部件并将它们合并到这样的新设备中。的‘Incredible’ is not a new idea as over in the States they have had the original 难以置信 device but this never made it’s way to Europe just like their EVO range.  Weighing in at 135g this phone is quite a bit lighter than the HTC 7 Pro we just reviewed but this comes at a price with the materials used, the 难以置信 S has a more plastic/rubber feel to it and does not feel as expensive as the 7 Pro even though it will set you back £30 a month from Carphone Warehouse or over £450.00 if you want sim free.

Last year Snapdragon was the word everyone was looking for, this year the new innovation in processor technology is going under the name Scorpion and the 难以置信 S features a 1Ghz Scorpion processor under the hood.  With 768mb RAM and 1.5gb ROM plus an 8gb MicroSD card in the box you never have to worry about memory or the phone crashing or slowing down.

从设备的正面看,顶部是大型扬声器格栅,在它的下方和HTC徽标旁边是新的前置摄像头,该摄像头可用于使用第三方应用(如Tango或Skype进行视频通话)进行视频通话通过3G或WiFi通话,就像所有Android手机一样(三星Galaxy S除外)‘standard’像我们在其他设备(例如诺基亚N8或带有前置摄像头的旧手机)上看到的视频通话’s。尽管这是一件好事,但由于它是来自数据配额的,因此成本极低,而不是您以前必须支付的每分钟约50便士的单独价格。

您有一个尺寸为4英寸的漂亮屏幕,其像素分辨率为480 x 800,可以帮助您显示所拍摄的清晰图像,非常适合浏览网页和拍照,您可以通过此屏幕真正看到相机质量的细节,由于所使用的大屏幕和高分辨率,Desire HD上的某些人缺少这些内容。

Below the screen are the four 标准 安卓 buttons on nearly all phones and these are touch sensitive, not actual buttons and are for HOME, MENU, BACK and SEARCH which if you have used an 安卓 phone before you will know exactly how to use these.

手机背面装有8百万像素摄像头,现在还配备了双LED闪光灯,使用Android Market中的某些应用程序还可以用作手电筒,并且可以派上用场,但这会消耗您的电池电量。


If you look at the back of the 难以置信 S you get very odd shaped design which almost looks sim card shaped with the cut off corner but this is the actual back cover.  The strange thing about this bit at the back which sticks out is it looks purely design focused and not there because of a bigger battery in the phone, the 难以置信 S comes with a 标准 sized 1450mah battery which will get you through a day with reasonable use I found during the review time.  This once again looks to be another design over function statement from HTC.  If you are going to make the back bigger and have the space for a larger battery then use this while you have the chance

The camera has been upped from the original 5 megapixel on the Desire and this 难以置信 S comes equipped with an 8 megapixel camera which again as with a lot of phones these days especially from HTC you need near perfect lighting to get good pictures, even the twin LED flash cannot help the camera quality it seems.


Video is at what seems to be 标准 now 720p HD quality, judge the quality for yourself by checking out the sample video below but initial impressions are it looks quite poor, you can really see the poor colour management in the video in the ginger parts it almost looks blurred.



从顶部左侧看,您可以在进行语音通话时使用向上和向下的音量控制,而且在主菜单上,这些按钮还将使手机进入静音或振动模式,也可以在播放媒体时使用例如视频剪辑或音乐。底部有一个Micro USB端口,该端口用于将电话连接到计算机,以用于调制解调器的数据传输以及充电器。

The right hand side of the 难以置信 S has nothing at all…. nothing…. zip….. nada ..没有按钮,甚至没有单个相机按钮都可以在拍摄图像时提供帮助,这实在令人遗憾。在具有大屏幕的手机上,当您要拍照时,按下一个实际的按钮以半按聚焦然后按下来拍照就可以了。轻按屏幕确实有效,有些人不会使用它,我个人认为相机快门按钮会更好。


Giving the 难以置信 S a score out of 10 I would say an 8 is a fare score.  As with a lot of HTC phones recently the UI is really good and the company have done great work and the features are there to help promote this as a mid to high end range phone but when using in real world conditions yet again the camera and audio let down what could have been a better phone.

Also looking at the current range it is hard to understand where the 难以置信 S fits in.  You have the Desire which has just been replaced by the Desire S.  The Wildfire now with the Wildfire S and with the Desire HD about to possibly be replaced by an EVO 3D if reports from HTC_Fr on 推特 taken as confirmed where does this leave the 难以置信 S?.  This again seems to be an issue with new products being a slight upgrade instead of a whole new device, the Desire and Desire S are nearly the same as is the Wildfire and the Wildfire S.  The only real innovation seems to be finally coming in a 3D device hopefully not too far into the future.

